FSA献上第一组电子传动系统 : 历经多年的研究与开发,K-Force WE已经准备好驰骋於赛道上。K-Force WE 是一套融合顶尖科技及优雅设计的电变系统。这套不同凡响的产品将改变您的骑乘。高续航力的电力表现,两种变把尺寸的选择与无线传输科技煞变把,进行一次又一次顺畅丶安静丶精确地换档.
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Bar tape developed in conjunction with professional athletes and teams.
FSA's latest product is Powertouch handlebar tape. Developed in association with pro teams, it is designed to maintain optimum grip in all weather conditions and is comfortable even without the use of gloves.